The 2023 National College Business English First-Class Professional Undergraduate Teaching Open Week was Successfully Held at SWUFE

To explore the path and method of business English teaching reform and innovation in universities under the background of the new era and effectively promote the integration, coexistence, complementary advantages and coordinated development of high-quality educational resources, the 2023 National First-Class Undergraduate Program in Business English Teaching Open Week was held at Liulin Campus of SWUFE from April 19 to 21. This open week is hosted by the Business English Committee of the China Council for the China Shippers’ Association and organized by our Faculty. Over 100 participants from 21 provinces and cities attended, and various forms of activities such as open classes, seminars, and expert lectures were conducted to jointly promote the construction of first-class business English majors and courses.

The Open Week, with its distinctive theme, rich content, effective arrangement and strong relevance, is of great significance to the construction of business English majors inuniversities. Aside from that, it can also help business English teachers across the country to change their teaching concepts, improve their teaching methods, and enhance their teaching quality, so as to jointly promote the construction of first-class undergraduate majors and courses in business English.

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