The Industry Expert Symposium on Talent Cultivation Programs of the Faculty of International Studies Has been Successfully Held

On April 26, our faculty hosted a symposium for industry experts from undergraduate and postgraduate professional talent cultivation programs in the C311 Conference Room of Tongbo Building. The core participants included some senior leaders from well-known language service providers such as Linguist, Lan-bridge Information Technology Company, Grouphorse Group, and iFlytek (Chengdu), along with the dean Mr. Zhang Jiarui (also the presiding officer of this symposium), vice dean Ms. Che Yu, assistant to the dean Mr. Quan Zhi, and some administrative staff.

Following the review and discussion of the undergraduate and postgraduate professional talent training program and the announcement of the experimental class “Translation Communication with Big Data,” experts provided valuable suggestions and opinions from the perspective of translation practice and industry development. Importantly, in the future, our Faculty and enterprises can also engage in diverse and in-depth cooperation, including summer courses, school-enterprise collaboration, and industry-academia-research.

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