The Teachers and Students of Our Faculty Went to Lan-Bridge Information Technology Company for Immersive Translation Scenario-based Social Practices

On September 8, Professor Deng Tianxu and students visited Sichuan Lan-Bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd in order to further explore new application scenarios, expand teaching scenarios, and accelerate the exploration of practical paths for the reform, innovation, and development of higher financial education in the new era.

During the visit, students were involved in the company's office environment, working atmosphere, organizational structure, personnel composition, position classification, responsibilities, and corporate culture. They also observed the company's workflow, standards, efficiency improvement, and quality control system. This visit facilitated students in enhancing their understanding of industry dynamics and market demand, as well as improving their translation skills and workplace literacy. Next, the Faculty plans to continue iterating innovative practice scenarios, incorporating technological changes and the demands of the times to explore more dynamic application scenarios and enrich teaching scenarios, thereby promoting the practice of innovative teaching models.

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