Team from the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University (ANU), Visited Our Faculty

On October 17th, Liz Ingram and Ida Wu, responsible for international cooperation and enrollment management of the Crawford School of Public Policy of the Australian National University (hereinafter referred to as “ANU”), visited our Faculty and held discussions with our Dean Zhang Jiarui and the foreign affairs officer on student exchange programs and research collaboration issues.

Founded in 1946, the Australian National University (ANU) is a public research-based comprehensive university located in the Australia's capital city—Canberra. ANU ranks among the world's top universities in various academic fields, consistently in the top 50 globally, and 34th in the 2024 QS University Awards. Our cooperation with the Crawford School of Public Policy at ANU began in 2011, and so far, more than 40 students have been enrolled in ANU through the cooperation program.

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