The 4th High-level Forum on the Development of Foreign Language Disciplines in Universities of Finance and Economics of China in SWUFE

As an essential part of the high-quality development of higher education, the construction of “New Liberal Arts” plays an important role in promoting the realization of the target of building a strong educational country and modernization with Chinese characteristics. In order to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and to accelerate the development of the “New Liberal Arts,” the 4th Foreign Language Development High-level Forum of Financial Colleges of the China University Foreign Language Development Alliance, which was guided by the CUAFLL, and hosted by the Committee of Universities of Finance and Economics of the CUAFLL, was held at the Liulin Campus of SWUFE. It focuses on the construction and development of first-class undergraduate programs in Business English under the background of the “New Liberal Arts” and “New Financial and Economic” themes.

This forum has clarified the efforts and key areas of a first-class undergraduate major in Business English under the background of “New Finance and Economics.” It has enhanced the confidence in the development of the CUAFLL and promoted communication and collaboration among universities, laying a solid foundation for the smooth advancement of the future alliance work.

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