Cooperation and Exchange Meeting Held Between Faculty of International Studies and SICC

On the afternoon of April 21, the cooperation and exchange meeting between the Faculty of International Studies of Southwest University of Finance and Economics and the Sichuan International Communication Center (SICC) was held at the West Culture Industry Center of Sichuan Daily Press Group. Li Xu, Deputy Director, Tian Wei, Assistant Director, Lin Jiawei, from the Content Operations Department, Tao Yuan, from the User Operations Department, and Zhang Lifeng, a reporter from Sichuan Rural Daily, participated in the exchange. Zhang Bin, Party Secretary of the Faculty, Luo Yan, Deputy Secretary, Zhang Ling, Associate Professor, Yu Qing, Head of Employment and some student representatives attended the exchange meeting.

The two sides had an in-depth exchange and reached a consensus on the concrete implementation of cooperation in establishing student practice bases, scientific research, building a platform for international communication talents, and producing excellent international communication products.

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