2022 International Summer Camp of Faculty of International Studies Successfully Held

The Faculty of International Studies studies and implements the important remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education; takes Xi Jinping's diplomatic thought as its guide and the development of the "Double First-Class Initiative" as its goal, and actively responds to the call of the university to carry out international exchange activities online. The International Academic Summer Camp of Southwest University of Finance and Economics was successfully held from July 4 to July 14.

With the theme of "Culture and Economy of Sichuan and Chongqing", the summer camp invited many professors and scholars from Hawaii and other schools at home and abroad, including Zheng Dongping, to give lectures and carry out courses on traditional Chinese cultures such as calligraphy, paper-cutting and Tai Chi. Fifteen students from overseas institutions of 11 countries (regions), including the UK and Italy, and twelve from Southwest University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), participated in the program. With the joint efforts of teachers and students, the summer camp was a complete success.

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