The 2022 Sichuan Provincial Business English Council College Alliance Annual Conference was successfully held

In order to implement the Ministry of Education's “New liberal arts” construction requirements and improve the quality of business English talents training in the new era, after the research and decision of the Business English Professional Working Committee of the China Shippers’Association(henceforth CSA), the “2022 Sichuan Provincial Business English Council College Alliance Annual Conference” was held on November 25, with the theme of “first-class Business English undergraduates construction”. The conference was hosted by the Faculty of International Studies of SWUFE, the governing unit of the alliance, and presided over by Dean Zhang Jiarui of the Faculty of International Studies.

Li Zhisheng, Vice Principal and member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee ofSWUFE, and Zheng Liang, Vice President of CSA, delivered speeches at the conference. Professor Ran Yongping, Professor Xiang Mingyou, Professor Xu Dejin and Professor Zhang Jiarui carried out four excellent speeches on four themes,including the “Business Communication from the Perspective of Interpersonal Pragmatics”, the “Business English Undergraduate Major Construction”, the “Connotation Construction of Business English Major and Curriculum Ideology and Politics from the Perspective of New Liberal Arts and New Foreign Languages” and the “Compilation of Business English Textbooks Under the Guidance of National Standards and Guidelines”. Four journal editors from “Modern Foreign Languages”, “Foreign Languages in China”, “Language Service Research” and “Chinese Journal of ESP” respectively shared the journals about publication status of business English subjects and suggestions for topic selection. More excellent manuscripts reflecting the latest development trend of business English were welcomed to submit. Subsequently, the participating representatives had heated discussions on “construction of first-class business English courses” and “construction of first-class business English teachers”,and jointly discussed and built a first-class business English undergraduate major.

This year's annual conference includes not only macro-level discussions on serving national strategies and building first-class majors, but also micro-level discussions on courses, teacher resources, teaching materials, and scientific research publications. The conference was well received by participating experts and scholars, which was a complete success.

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