根据2022级公共外语课程设置要求及学习安排, 学生需要完成至少5个学期的学习,并通过考试或考查评价,即可获得该模块课的学分。《综合技能》模块课目前已发布5个学期的练习任务。现启动《综合技能》模块课线上学习补修工作。具体安排如下:
1、面向对象: 未完成5个学期练习任务的学生;5个学期中期末总评成绩有不及格(<60分)的学生根据自己的需求选择是否参加暑期学习。
3、练习平台: 批改网、fif 口语训练系统
5、 批改网作业号:
3183616 On false information on the Internet
3183617 Digital Gap for the Elderly
3183618 On social practice and academic learning
3183619 Is Internet the most important invention in human history?
3183621 Can technology replace school?
3183622 China’s Achievements in Poverty Alleviation
3183623 Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication
3183624 Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission.
3183625 About the use of robots in the future
3183626 On living in the virtual world
3183627 About online learning as opposed to attending school
3183628 Why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges
3183629 Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.
3183630 What is worth doing is worth doing well
3183631 Why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance
3183632 China’s Achievements in Higher Education
3183633 Is reading better than TV-watching in terms of language learning and imagination? New
3183634 Should We Learn Academic Study or Vocational Skills in University
3183684 Why students should be encouraged to develop effective communication skills
3183685 How to Deal with Information Explosion
5. Fif 口语班级码:VAR7NQ
6. 在截止时间之前,作文可进行反复修改;系统启用查重抄袭检测功能,练习复制率超过30%的作文成绩作废。